Sunday, February 12, 2012

Weekend Wrap Up

This has been a slightly depressing weekend.  Ugh I hate to be a downer but sometimes it just feels good to wallow.  So indulge me while I wallow. 

Friday night my husband and I met up with my in-laws for pizza.  Normally we have a lot of fun with them but I haven't been feeling well so I really just wanted to be home in bed.

Saturday my husband had to work all morning, so I did a few loads of laundry to kill time until he got home.  When he got back I decided we should talk about how we're feeling about having a baby, and then I had a complete breakdown.

Just so you understand, our housing situation is a bit up in the air right now so the next couple of months are uncertain for us.  We own a home but we're severely underwater on it, and we're not sure what to do.  We've had several meetings with financial advisers and real estate attorneys and we're in the middle of coming up with a plan for our future that may or may not include the home we own.  Getting pregnant is a scary thing for us because of this so it isn't a happy thing for us to talk about right now.  This depresses me because I feel like having a baby should be nothing but exciting.  Cue breakdown.

My husband was incredibly understanding and I know we'll be fine in the end.  It's just scary knowing we're standing at the end of this tough transition and things are going to get a lot more complicated before they get easier.  After my breakdown subsided my husband had to go back to work, where he'll be until Monday morning.

I spent today finishing the laundry and napping.  Fighting off this cold has left me drained so I haven't been as productive as I'd like.  So there you have it.  That has been my weekend.  Sick, depressed, lonely, and no shopping.  Be jealous.

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