Tuesday, February 21, 2012

From one obsession to another

Well this post is already off to a bad start.  First of all, I said that I would post the results of The Challenge on Sunday, February 19th.  Clearly today is not Sunday, February 19th.  Fail.  Second, I have no results to post about because I ended up with a big fat DNC instead of a W.  For those who aren't sports-minded (or don't have a sports-minded husband), that means I did not compete so I definitely didn't win.

To make a long story short, my friend went to the outlet mall without me.  To make a long story less short, I had previously told her I couldn't go until Saturday afternoon but she decided at the last minute that she'd rather go Saturday morning.  She called to tell me this that morning to see if I could change my plans, but I wasn't able to answer.  By the time I called her back, she was already there shopping away.  So no Presidents' Day Weekend shopping for me.  This is a positive thing for my bank account but a negative thing for my closet.  And my soul.

Oh well, there will always be another sale.

FYI I was able to easily cancel my free trail membership to ShopRunner.com that I first talked about here.  I just logged in on the site, went to the account settings, and canceled it.  I received an email confirmation of the cancellation so my credit card shouldn't be charged.  I'll have to keep an eye on my bill to make sure, but I think I as able to actually use a free trail without it biting me in the butt later!  Woohoo!  If you find yourself faced with the opportunity to try out this service and get free two-day shipping, do so knowing that as long as you remember within 30 days, it is very easy to cancel.  

Since I have no other shopping news to share, I have to discuss my latest obsession: the PBS series Downton Abbey.  I know what you're thinking.  PBS = educational/boring.  Not so.  This show is so entertaining!  It's about a wealthy British family in the early 1900s who are struggling to adapt to war, social politics, and family scandal.  It's witty, beautifully shot, and full of juicy drama.  I highly recommend it!  You can watch season 1 on Netflix or Hulu, and season 2 is available on PBS.com. 

My husband and I were able to cover the entire first season this weekend since I didn't go to the outlet mall.  Season 1 is only 7 episodes, but they're roughly an hour each so it took us a while.  Do yourself a favor: grab a bottle of wine and spend some time getting to know the Granthams of Downton Abbey. 

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