Thursday, March 22, 2012

Time for an upgrade

My blow dryer died.  This isn't shocking or terribly upsetting since it was a pretty cheap one, but it's inconvenient and annoying.  Since it's the third, yes, THIRD one I've bought in the last year and a half, I have decided to invest in a higher quality blow dryer this time around.  I discovered the importance of a quality hair straightener a long time ago (I'm pro Chi and Paul Mitchell) but when it came to blow dryers I typically just pick something up at Target and deal with it.  Well no more. 

I spent the last couple of days hunting around online and reading reviews and I am proud to say that I have just ordered the HANAair Professional Hair Dryer.

Listed at $194.99 (and that's a sale price apparently) it's a bit pricey, but all the review say that it is great for thick hair and cuts drying time in half.  I have VERY thick, wavy hair so I'm hoping that this dryer really is as magical as the reviews make it out to be.  I often choose to throw my hair into a ponytail or bun to avoid spending 20-30 minutes drying it but this might just change my hair outlook completely.  I've been thinking it over the for last two days and when I found a coupon code ($35 off using the code MISIKKO), I decided to give it a shot.  With free shipping (be still my heart!) I spent $160 for this baby.  Review to follow. 

In case you're wondering, this will not influence my spending diet.  I put myself on a budget to cut down on impulse buying and to encourage me to find more productive ways to spend my time.  We're in a pretty good financial place right now and since I've spent roughly $40-$50 dollars on blow dryers three different times in the last 18 months, I think it's time to invest in better quality.  This one has a two year warranty so the way I look at it, I'm spending the same amount I would if I stayed on my current pattern of replacing my cheap ones every 6 months. 

Speaking of my diet, this has been a good week so far.  I've been really busy with work and social functions so I haven't spent any of my $10.40 for the week. 

**Diet log 3/19-3/25
Total spent- $0
Total remaining- $10.40

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