Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Face to Face

I think it's time we take this relationship to the next level.  I know it's only been a few months but I really think we have something special so I'm willing to take a leap of faith.  Try not to freak out, but I think we should meet face to face.

So here goes...

M and I on our wedding day 3 years ago.  No clue why the photographer took it sideways. 

Who doesn't love a man in uniform?  M is a firefighter/paramedic.

That's M's sister in the middle.  I don't know why we all look purple.

The kids!  Schumi (Yellow Lab) and Deacon (English Springer Spaniel)

Some of the girls from my Bible study.  The one with the baby is the one we moved last weekend.  (I'm in the yellow)

M and I in British Columbia last fall for a friend's wedding. 

M and I at brunch for my 27th birthday a few months ago.  The green theme was unintentional...

Once everything is settled with our house I'll post a few photos of that as well.  I don't want to get ahead of myself and jinx the sale!

A little bit more about M and I.  We met in middle school but didn't start dating until after I graduated college.  We've been together for 5 years, married for 3.  We don't have (human) children yet, but God willing that will be changing sometime soon.  We live with our two dogs in a house we're in the process of buying (currently renting it).  We own a smaller home that we'll be putting up for sale once we officially own the house we're in now.  We live in Florida (where we're both from) and it looks like we're not going anywhere anytime soon.

M, 28, is 3rd generation firefighter/paramedic with the same city that his father and grandfather worked for.  He's considering going back to school to pursue medicine but that's a few years off.  His parents are local and his only sibling, a sister, lives about an hour away.  We have a great relationship with them and see them frequently. 

I work for a local city but not the same one M works for.  I work for the administration supporting the elected officials and maintaining City Hall.  My mom lives up north near my oldest sister, and my other siblings (another sister and two brothers) are scattered across the country.  My dad had heart disease and passed away in 2004.  My parents were divorce and I wasn't close to my father, but I'm still having a hard time coping with his death.  I'm not particularly close with my mother and our relationship seems to work best when we live in different states.

I've recently finished graduate school so now I'm just working and trying to get our housing situation ironed out.  Once that's finished, we're planning to try to start a family.  For now, I fill my time with reading, online shopping, friends, and Bible study/church. 

So there you go, internet world.  That is a brief introduction to my life, complete with photos. 

There's no going back now...

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